
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Today's Verse: Psalm 71:14-15

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more. My mouth will tell of Your righteousness, of Your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure."

Wow. Thank You, Father, for that. For hope. For offering us rest during times of trial or tumult. During the busy days and the fretful hours. During the potty training and the loose teeth. For the hope that we are not alone in our lives and that You truly want good things for us, things so good, in fact, that we cannot even conceive of them. Even though we can't begin to fathom the measure of God's grace and benevolence towards us, we know it is real.

Hope. It's all I'm asking for.


Gretchen said...

Oh, my gosh, you just made my ovaries ache for a new baby girl named Hope.

Not gonna happen, but still...

Beautiful, GGG.


JO said...

Hugs, babe. Loved making music last night. So much fun, as always. :)

Sing4joy said...

I'll take some of that!