
Saturday, March 29, 2008

You Know You've Been Blogging Too Much When... get up from your seat at Subway's in the Wal-Mart and immediately feel the veins in the back of your legs do some sort of weird spasm as you straighten out your leg, and you pray, "Dear sweet Lord, please don't let there be a massive blood clot travelling straight from my tree stump legs to my brain, killing me instantly and leaving my poor children all alone in Wal-Mart!"


His Girl said...

hahaa. yes. too much blogging makes jill a basket case. haha.

Jenster said...

Or when you do something like, say, pop a zit and start thinking about how you're going to phrase your experience for the blog...

Andrea Frazer said...

I agree with you about the Walmart blood clot. If you're gonna die, at least have it done at Nordstrom or Bloomingdales, AFTER the free make-up application so your corpse looks fabulous, dahlink.

Anonymous said...

i've had those exact same neurotic thoughts! glad to not be alone on the dark side...

Gretchen said...

Amen. And, I agree w/Mama P about looking good. My luck, I'd die right after my walk, when i'm all sweaty and disgusting and my hair is everywhichway.

Blog on Baby. ;)

Halfmoon Girl said...

I think I just erased the comment I just left. Glad to know you made it home ok. I hope I die with my new boots on- har har.

AKQ said...

So what? Now we withdraw cold turkey? No more birdie saga? No more wisdom for the GGG fanclub?

Christine Short said...

I've felt this before. Is this a bad sign? Should I stop blogging? UGH! Got the sitemeter set up on my blog. Can you believe I've had hits from South Korea, Bulgaria, and Argentina all in one day? HUH?! Fascinating!

Vindiciti said...

Gah. You haven't blogged since last month. What'd you do, fall off the face of the planet?

Ooh, if you did, could you blog about Heaven? and Jesus? and God?


Hehe, seriously. Miss you, Kim!


His Girl said...

*hands on hips, taps toe*

do you realize you have not blogged the entire month of APRIL?

how are the birds? how are you? how many minutes til october?

inquiring minds want to know!

Andrea Frazer said...

Where are you? Did you finally get that blood clot? Please tell me you did not die in Walmart's designer clothes. Death by White Stag? Oh no. Oh noooooooooooooooooooo.

AKQ said...

The Writer's strike ended weeks ago...

Heather said...

I don't even know you personally, and yet, I must admit I do feel a little stress wondering if you did in fact get home from Wal-Mart. It's been almost a month since you've blogged and alert readers are 'dying' to know if you're okay!