
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Did I Forget To Mention...?

Guess who's getting their first root canal? That would be Bud. Yep, my three year old is following in the footsteps of his father. T. would look at a piece of cake and need a root canal. The poor guy had soapscum for tooth enamel.

Bud had his second trip to the dentist today. A mere six months ago he had a stellar report -- excellent brushing and no cavities. Today, ironically the brushing is still good. It just turns out that he has inherited crummy enamel and now has three cavities. So, he will get two small fillings and one root canal with a silver cap. This is about par for the course with the kids -- Li'l G had SEVEN cavities at her last appointment, two of which had to have caps. We won't even go into how expensive this is. The real truth of it is that I can praise God that this was found now and not in December. We would've been paying all $900 for this out of pocket if this had come to our attention after 30 NOV.

So if any of you are doing Christmas shopping for my kids this year, you might as well buy them some Grillz. We've decided to turn crunk and really run with it.


AKQ said...

OUCH!!! That so sucks! I'll be praying that he cooperates!

Vindiciti said...

I totally feel your pain on this one. My poor little Aus has every tooth in his head capped. I have crappy enamel, and so did my dad. His case is really more 'Dad didn't brush his teeth for 4 months at a time' than anything, though. We opted for the porcelain front on his, though. Grillz? Homey don't play that. Hehe. Good luck, and my prayers are with you.

Becky said...

Is it bad that I'm laughing my head off at this post? You were hilarious.

My sister was the same way as a kid. However, in her adult years, she's become a whole grain food fanatic, and it seems to have helped her situation greatly.

Gretchen said...

They don't call me the crowned princess for nothing. My teeth are like balsa wood. They look great, but it's all lightweight nothing.

Gretchen said...

P.s. Forget Bud---they should knock you out for the procedure. :)

His Girl said...

yeah, I can't follow gretchen.

I got nothin'