
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Accountability Post #4: Spinning

I've got a flat tire and my stupid chain has some slack in it right now, so it's slipping around like I'm shifting gears when I'm really not. Rather than utilize my new bike rack and get the problem taken care of this week, I'm putting it off until I get back from my travels. I just did well to motivate myself to get to spinning today.

Report #4: 15 SEP 2008. I was actually indoors today at the gym, and I made a point to get a bike with an odometer on it this time. I think I was really having an off-day because I just couldn't motivate myself to really crack the whip. I've noticed my overall discipline for getting to the gym and getting out there to workout. This is what happens when you allow yourself too many days off from the gym -- it's too easy to get out of the habit, especially when you think, 'I still look pretty good, and all my skinny clothes still fit. I'm too busy today...' DON'T FALL FOR IT!!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

At any rate, I did go approximately 15 miles over an hour. When I divided that up, it comes out to a rate of a 4 minute mile, which I know for certain is not very accurate. Or maybe so, I don't know. Just didn't feel that efficient today.

I am headed off to Pilates this morning, but I have to admit, since I have not bothered to continue my weight training that I was so obsessive about this spring and summer, I'm struggling with positions and skills that used to come so easily to me that I was borderline bored with them. Again, I'm using the whole "I'm too busy" mantra to justify why I'm not spending more time working on it. I love Pilates and can attest to how it has basically given me back as much of my pre-baby body as I will ever have back. I highly recommend it if you want to cry every time you think about the belly button you once had before your children kicked it from the inside out. :)

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy Tuesday!!


His Girl said...

it's not a trap! i'm fine! i like the way i look! i can stay in bed today!

ahhhh denial. why are you so SET on blowing me out of my delirium?

Halfmoon Girl said...

I hear you- my brain can work against me in the same way- which I guess is why I still have lots of tight clothes from before child #4!

Gretchen said...

prebaby belly? Whassthat???? ;) Does doing the pilates take care of all the stretch marks, too?

You go girl!!! Seriously. I'm proud of you for staying the course.