
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Heart Joe(y) McIntyre

Please, ladies, we're all grown ups here. Please refrain from getting out your old BOP posters and throwing your panties at the computer screen. Really. So juvenile.

My friend recently went to this concert and I'm SOOOOO insanely jealous! I will say, however, that she redeemed herself:

I nearly peed in Cracker Barrell this morning at breakfast upon receiving this birthday gift!

I swear, this whole day has been full of flash backs. Birthdays are among some of the logical days in one's life to look back and reflect on days and years gone by. Ten years ago today I was more than likely celebrating my 22nd birthday with T. down at Texas A&M where we went to college together. Less than a month later Aggie Bonfire would collapse upon 12 fellow students and change our lives and the traditions of our dear school forever. Twenty years ago today I was turning 12 and trying to figure out who I was, being in the 6th grade at Travis Middle School. I looked up to those big 8th grade girls and their tidal wave bangs, thinking there was no way I would ever look that cool. The bathrooms constantly smelled of Aquanet hairspray, and we begged our parents to let us carry Esprit purses filled with fruity lip gloss, a myriad of pens and pencils, and sacred feminine supplies that most of us wouldn't need for another three or four years. Our lives were filled with cute, scrawny boys in ill-fitting football uniforms, side pony tails, longing to be popular and have a boyfriend, passing notes, and pouring over copies of BOP magazine to gaze adoringly into the eyes of our future husbands, for me, it was baby-faced Joey McIntyre of the New Kids On The Block. Oh, heavenly days! Would it be possible to find a boy that could ever pour out his heart to me to the words of this song? How I pined to slow dance forever in the arms of my Boston boy!

At any rate, just wanted you all to flash back with me. And hey, if the next time I see you all and one of you is wearing your jeans rolled up to proudly display your colored slouch socks and your t-shirt tied off to one side, I totally won't judge you. :)


Christine Short said...

Joey? Come on! Seriously? I never would have guess you were a Joey girl. I'm so jealous of your new CD though. I'm putting it on my Christmas list but I'm thinking no one will get it for me. They still think I'm nuts. Happy Birthday again! Can't tell you enough how much I love you and enjoy our friendship even if it has been across the miles for the last five years.

JO said...

Happy birthday, youngster. This should tell you just how old I am...I had no idea who Joey McIntyre was until I read your post.

Glad you'll still let me be your friend, even if I'm older than dirt. :)

AKQ said...

So. My heart started fluttering. My palms got sweaty....and all for my Danny!

Jenster said...

Twenty years ago I was MARRIED! Would you believe I was 15??

Meridith said...

OMGosh!! I have a good friend at their concert in ATL tonight!!!! LOL... How fun!!

Becky said...

Oh, man...sooooo many flashbacks, lol.

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Girl, Joey is all mine! He should be our president, I think he would do better than what others in our nation have just voted in! Next year, if our country is still intact, we are on for the NKOTB concert!