
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Accountability Post #1 & 2

Le pant, le puff, le pant, le puff...

OK, I totally meant to find a picture of Pepe Le Pew's "Leettle Peegion" who is constantly exhausted from sprinting, but this was as good as I could come up with. Either way, I just came back from my second multi-mile bike ride, and my legs are tight! And not the in the hip-hop sort of way, either. I mean, old lady, your-thirties-are-the-first-step-toward-the-nursing-home sort of way. Why, oh WHY do we take advantage of our nubile, hott selves in our 20s, when all we care about is boys, careers, and eating things that no human should get away with eating without direct consequences to the hips, gut, and heart?!?

At any rate, I've decided to post each time I get out on the road for a "real" bike ride. I am officially training for my first bike race. It's on 4 OCT in Lufkin, Texas. It's called the Pineywoods Purgatory. I chose this race for a couple of reasons. First of all, hello, it's in the Piney Woods region of Texas. It's the closest I can come to being in Washington state as possible. I lived in Lufkin for a brief time as a very little kiddo, so I've always been a little partial. It's also five weeks away, so I'm trying to maximize my training time. I am entering the basic race, the 25 mile course. I really want to do the 52 mile course because I think it would be so beautiful to see the scenery, but that's too ambitious for a first race. My goal is to simply finish the race. Period. I think it's achieveable, too, but then again, I've only gotten on the road two times now.

In addition to training for a race, the kids and I have been biking Lil' G to school, and it's been a great success. We even saw one other mom riding with her kids to school, too. As far as I know, we are the only two families in the school doing it, but that's fine with me. We're saving 20 miles a week on our gas consumption! Hooah!

So, here's Report #1: 25 AUG 08. Rode a total of five miles for the day, two of which were actual "training miles." It took us 12:26, and we were going through a neighborhood route that was pretty hilly. Averaged 6.13 min./mi. I was pulling Bud and the trail-a-bike, which totals around 55 lbs. of extra weight! I was pleased with this as a first ride, but surprised at the difference in perspective about how steep the hills turned out to be. Hills don't feel near as steep in a big SUV. :)

Report #2: 27 AUG 08. Training miles: 3.5 Took exactly 19:00. Averaged 5.43 min./mi. I was so proud of myself -- I made it all the way up the steepest hill up to street level without stopping this time!! I was even pulling Bud on the trail-a-bike for this ride, too!! After drop off/pick up from school, will log a total of 6.5 miles.

I will have the ability to ride longer amounts of time and not have to pull Bud and his bike soon, as he starts school next Wednesday. I have decided not to train on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as that is when I have Pilates, which I luuuuurrrrve!!! I am too crapped out and tired to get a good workout at Pilates if I have done weights or extensive bike riding, and I enjoy it too much to give it up. So, I'm training three mornings a week. I don't have a lot of other time to devote to it when it's not blue-blazes hot outside, or I've got Lil' G on her bike along with me, so I've got to make each effort count.

I want to give a serious shout-out to mah peeps, HisGirl, for taking the biking challenge as well! I don't know that she's training for anything, but she's been making regular efforts to get out and go biking, so kudos to her! I have to say, girl, you're looking happier and healthier these days than I think I've ever seen you!! (And you've always been a lovely lady, chica.) Kick some butt, girl!

So if any of you would like to join me in the challenge just to get out there and get active, that would be great. It could be any activity you want, indoors or outdoors, but you've got to post for accountability!! And if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go pick on HisGirl and beg for a cool button now...


Christine Short said...

Um, I've actually done a 52 mile bike race. In my twenties. 25 is a good place to start if you are in your thirties. 52 was murder! In the first 25 we had blinding rain and hail. Yes, hail on a bike ride. I pumped a CD in my walkman (remember, this was in my 20s) and blasted the tunes. By the end of the 52 miles I was so delirious. I was sure I had seen an alligator in Iowa. A snake had crossed my path. (I know that was real.) I also got so bored that I started mooing at the cows in the fields. By that last mile I had perfected my moo and confusing every cow I passed. Best of luck in your race! Hope you don't resort to mooing to pass the miles.

Becky said...

You go, GGG! That's awesome!

I used to love mountain biking back in the days I lived in Washington and Minnesota. But alas, in college I let my very expensive bike sit out in the snow one winter (and you were right...I met Jeff and forgot all about biking), and have never really ridden since. Poo.

I don't have a bike now, but I have my elliptical machine, and I'm getting on it tonight. I have jokingly told Jeff that I have always wanted to run the Boston Marathon one day, and unless I plan on doing that at 80, I'd better get started now, lol.

Gretchen said...

Um...I don't have a bike, but I'd love to live vicariously through you. :) Good for you, GGG! You are kicking some serious butt. I'm doing lots of walking, though, and that feels good for the body (even if I'd rather be...quilting, eating, shopping, sleeping...). I didn't receive the "isn't exercise great!???!" gene, so I'm working with what I have. :)

Jenster said...

Wowesome!! Good luck with the race. I'm trying to do a little bit of something every day. Not doing a great job of it this week. :o(

His Girl said...
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His Girl said...

well, my itty biddy 2.5 miles each day is not even close to what you are doing, but I do feel glad that I am getting up and at 'em. But you should probably know that i am in PAIN in my bootay region so I will now be forced to buy the gel pants you mentioned. which is funny. but seriously, OW! I could ride farther if it weren't for the squakin' from the nethereigons.

of course i'll work on the button... hopefully have something for you by the weekend.

smootches! and, YOU GO, GGGIRL!

Sing4joy said...

um...(oh how funny - I see a lot of "um"s in the comments of this post)
There is no way I am joining the biking challenge. I want to check YOUR temperature for desiring to ride 52 miles. What the heck? I did however do some squats today while vacuuming my living room. That should get you off my back.

lrh said...

How fun to be doing a race with friends.
But, I was supposed to get on the bike and ride today - after your first paragraph I don't want to. I'm a smidge older than you and if you are tired and sore...