create your own personalized map of the USA
As if that weren't enough...
create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide
I need to work on making more of this last map red!!
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness... On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand! All other ground is sinking sand." (Edward Mote, 1797-1874)
I am a sickko. I keep hearing... Don't be fooled by the rox that I got... I'm still GG from the block...
can't wait to see more of the world with ya!brjjx
hahaha. that last bix what that dumb code word verification thing. i wondered why it didn't go thru the first time!
Laughing at HG's first comment. :)
I call my dtr jenny from the block and my best friend, shelley from the hood. It's all good here.
I went to the Southeast for my first time this year (other than FL). I haven't been anywhere near the rest of the South, either. I hear that I should wait a few months for things to cool off. If you ever want Seattle info, just email me. xxxoogretchen
I've been to tons of states, but sadly, it was often for work, so I haven't seen as much as one of these maps would lead you to believe. Still, I have seen an awful lot and feel totally blessed by that. Can't wait to see even more. Got a big ol' hole right near Yellowstone that needs to be rectified and another in New England....One of these days. :)
Hello, Luv.
I've changed URLs. I'm now at:
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