
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Introductions, Please

Welcome, one and all, to my latest venture into written therapy, the ever-popular blog. I actually have a blog on my MySpace page, but I have held back a lot from that page simply because I realize it's extremely public (not like this site isn't, really), but I find myself outgrowing the teenie-bopper-esque feeling of the layouts and the music, etc. Don't get me wrong -- music is a major part of my life, but I feel like people don't come through the pages on MySpace for anything but entertainment. I'm feeling the need, more now than ever, to pare things down, get past the clutter and the noise, and have some quality in my life. I have approached blogging as a way that I can take Jesus to the masses, and in the process have not felt as though I could focus on things on which I ponder and ruminate during my days. This seems a more appropriate venue.

What is there to know about me in a few words or sentences? Well, I'm a mom in my 30s to two toddlers, I'm a military widow, I'm a single parent in love, I have a passion for music and play guitar and violin, I am involved in various ministries in my church, and am considering some type of career or volunteerism in the field of women's ministry, Christian counseling, music ministry, etc. I lost the first love of my life over two years ago in a motorcycle accident, and every day of my life since then has been unpredicatable, beautiful, frightening, unbearable, spiritual, and scads of other adjectives that can't come to mind. My children have somehow managed to flourish in spite of the parenting I have tossed their way (a sure sign that God is sovereign and in control), and I have met the second love of my life, something that terrifies me and blesses me all at the same time. I feel like I'm daily walking through a fog, trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up. Some days I feel more direction to my steps than others, which is kind of what I'm going through now. Amidst all the confusion, heartbreak, love, and laughter, I'm holding doggedly to the hem of Jesus' garment, knowing that even the dogs get scraps from their masters' table. (See Matthew 15:21-28)

I don't know and really don't care (OK, I care a smidge, hee! hee!) who will read this page and how often that will happen. All I know is that I'm needing an outlet for expression and see how beneficial this cyber-journaling can be. For now I'm hoping to post at least twice a week, but don't hold me to it! In the meantime, I'll see you all in the funny papers...


Sing4joy said...

Okay. Bookmarked, strapped in and ready to go. Please don't make me cry.

His Girl said...

welcome to the grownup blogging world! I can't wait to see what you share with us. I am so glad you are here!! Go girl!! I hope you'll repost some of your oldies but goodies (the socks are at the top of my heart) so you can make all the blogosphere cry their eyes out too.

I miss you, chick!

Christine Short said...

I completely related to feeling MySpace was a bit sophomoric. This is why I was so against starting one but I have to in order to keep in touch with some old friends. We know how important that is. Can't wait to see what you post!

AKQ said...

So does this mean that I have to come here to get the scoop? Can't wait to see what you have locked up in that glorious brain and heart! What a great outlet!

Gretchen said...

Welcome, Kim.

Loved Socks. So poignant. I'll be back to visit.